Patent Pending

ZPTAG® is Genuine Marketing Group's, user-friendly solution for authentication of products, produce and luxury goods at the point of purchase for the consumer or end user.

How It Works

Through a hand-held smartphone App, ZPTAG provides the pedigree and supply chain tracking information as part of the consumer shopping experience and authentication process directly from the shopping aisle. Tagging and scanning the product from end-to-end creates a closed-loop genuine authentication system that combats counterfeiting and protects brands and their image. Manufacturers/Farmers, Wholesalers, Distributors, Retailers, and Consumers/End Users are all stakeholders in the process. Each has access to the private ledger for specific data inquiries relating to their business needs and pain points. 


Journey is the company name for the specific Track and Trace elements of the ​​ZPTAG system that can and will provide the supply chain stakeholders with behind the scenes information and data tracking/sharing that is not necessary for the end consumer to view. This allows for the company to engage with various manufacturers, distributors and retailers to build in solutions they need for proper functionality in parallel to the ​​ZPTAG system as a whole. Therefore, Journey is also an option for product ingredients and manufacturer supply sourcing and tracking prior to creating the product itself. This ensures quality specs from the product/manufacturer vendors as well.


For ease of access and no need for download, the ZPTAG App is available both as a Native App and a Web App. This allows for quick access and use in multiple environments as well as a test of the platform experience without committing to a download.


The ZPTAG App finds nearby stores with your desired product, helps you locate alternative options when it's out of stock, and provides updates on retailer announcements and new product launches with GPS directions to participating stores.


The App authenticates product journey from origin to retailer, providing a list of stakeholders and their locations with GPS recognition. Transparent and shared with the consumer, it verifies the ZPTAG is scanned at the correct retail location, via GPS recognition.


Consumers authenticate products via ​ZPTAG App by scanning them in-store, ensuring their authenticity and safety. The App also aggregates all ​ZPTAG items into a single QR code for easy checkout, earning consumers Genuine Coin and other benefits for purchasing participating products.



Once a ZPTAG tagged product is scanned and purchased, the consumer will receive rewards in the form of Genuine Coin. This ​ZPTAG currency will be stored in the App wallet to redeem for product offers, discounts, future purchases and other benefits through ​ZPTAG and Genuine partners and loyalty program supporters. This dynamic feature both rewards and encourages consumers to use the App as much as possible and allows the community to be rewarded for policing the system f​or any fraudulent retailers or product sales. The inherent value of authenticated products now also rewards the consumer, too.


As a second iteration and push to the ​​ZPTAG App after initial launch and member communities are established, reward coins will be awarded to consumers/​​ZPTAG members simply for scanning the tags/products and purchasing the product at the retailer. Completing the blockchain via purchase will serve as the last node of the chain authentication process. Genuine coins will be used to redeem for products, services and other benefits through the ecosystem and will also be stored in a wallet as part of the App. These coins/rewards will be tracked on the blockchain as well and ultimately available for an exchange.